The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - Belong (2011)
The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart-Belong-(PIASR512CDP)-Promo-CDS-2011-iPC
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The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart-Belong-(PIASR512CDP)-Promo-CDS-2011-iPC
Read the NFO
cROArtist.....[ The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart
Album......[ Belong
Label......[ Play It Again Sam / Fortuna Pop! /
Catalog #..[ PIASR512CDPSource.....[ CDS
Genre......[ Indie
Language...[ English
Rip Date...[ 2011-04-07
Store Date.[ 2011-03-00
Rip Tool...[ EAC
Encoder....[ LAME 3.97 -V2 --vbr-new
Quality....[ 207 kbps AVG VBR 44.1/Joint Stereo
Url........[ http://www.fortunapop.com01 Belong (Radio Edit) 3:57
02 I Wanna Go All The Way 2:40
03 Belong 4:21
10:58-By now, you would probably have heard the
gorgeously yearning slice of swoon pop that is
Heart in Your Heartbreak, the first single from
The Pains of Being Pure at Hearts much anticipated
upcoming album. And you might have noticed that
while all the essential qualities that mark out the
band so distinctly are still there shimmering
melodies, Kip Bermans wistful lyrics and
beguiling, quavering vocals their sound has also
been ratcheted up to the next level, courtesy of
producers Alan Moulder and Flood, who, for the next
step in Pains career, have created a canvas that
is as lush as it is expansive.Belong sounds even bigger, with buzzsawing,
Smashing Pumpkins-circa-Gish guitars slicing
intermittently through Pains beautifully jangling
wall of noise. And even though it comes equipped
with hooks to spare and an infectious, anthemic
climax of we dont belong, the sweet melodies
bely its acute study of restlessness and human
(dis)connection (What to do/ nothing new/ weve
tried each other/ lets try another, Berman sighs
at one point) and manages to lodge itself in the
listeners brain long after its short but sweet
running time is over.
http://www.thepainsofbeingpureatheart.comASCii By AyL!cRO 2oo5

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